Humans of the Data Sphere - Issue #0
Humans of the Data Sphere (HOTDS) is a publication that aims to bring together the words of humans from across the data landscape. This is broader than just the “data space”, it encompasses all kinds of databases, messaging/streaming, OLAP, (cloud) data warehouses, lakehouses, distributed systems, and to some extent AI and ML. It’s narrow enough to be cohesive, but broad enough for readers to be exposed to new ideas and new people that might sit just outside their normal career focus.
This format is heavily inspired by the, “Stuff the internet says on scalability“ posts. While I am using a similar format as a launchpad, it’s still too early to know what HOTDS will be.
I’m happy to receive suggested quotes, articles and papers from others, provided you give me a quotable section to include in a HOTDS issue. Also feel free to suggest interesting people to follow.
If you’re wondering who I am, go over to to see my writings on distributed data systems, formal verification, as well as strategy and commentary posts.